Botte idrosemina


The concept of hydroseeding is based on the use of water as a vehicle for the transport and distribution of seeds destined to the ingestion of land which, for various reasons, can not be practiced with normal agricultural machinery and techniques.

The principle is applied in all those cases in which rapid grassing is required in extreme environmental conditions such as: land that is free of fertilizing elements available for new crops - land at high altitude or with particularly vertical walls, subject to environmental conditions and exceptional run-off.

The solution of all these problems of "extreme seeding" with the Hydroseeder Casella system is simple and easy.

Water, as mentioned, is the essential element for the functioning of the system; with a special pump it is kept in continuous movement inside the barrel, then all the necessary elements for grassing are added, which are:

  • the seed choosing and mixing the herbaceous and shrubby varieties best suited to each specific type of environment;
  • the peat or soil essential for the formation of that substrate that allows the seed to germinate even on arid and inert soils;
  • liquid or granular fertilizers provide the nutrients to allow the seedlings to develop after germination;
  • organic supplements and bio-elements that have the task of speeding up the process of natural transformation, usually very slow, of inert substances in substrate and fertile humus;
  • adhesives of natural origin that have the very important task of blocking all the mixture on surfaces where it is distributed by "gluing" it literally to the wall, even almost vertical, greatly reducing the damaging effect of run-off and run-off in the event of rain, after the hydroseeding treatment.
Hydro-seeding in the vineyard
Hydro-seeding tank in the vineyard

Botte - allegato